Eirian Humphries

This is a personal website for the freelance academic author behind the Musings and Do Lecture Me websites and eventually also several books. At present this is just a holding page, but eventually this page and other pages in the website will enable me to say a bit more about myself than is appropriate in an About the Author page on Musings or Do Lecture Me.

Quick pronunciation guide: Eirian is a three syllable word ei / ri / an. In Cymraeg the penultimate syllable is stressed and the final syllable rises in pitch. Ei is prnounced like the English word Eye, ri is pronounced like the English abbreviation for regarding as used in emails: Re, while an is pronounced like the English name Anne, but is a common ending for both male and female names, indeed Eirian is a unisex name. So Eirian is pronounced eye / RE / [up pitch] Anne.

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